Douglas S. Chan
Technologist | Researcher | Entreprenuer
President and Co-Founder
Cayuga Wireless LLC
Biographical Sketch
Douglas S. Chan received from Cornell University his Ph.D. degree
in electrical and computer engineering (ECE) with minor in computer science
and M.Eng. degree in electrical engineering (EE).
He received his B.Sc. degree in EE from Queen's University in Canada.
Doug is President of Cayuga Wireless, an Wi-Fi technologies company that he co-founded in 2017. He had also been CEO and founder of Zenalyst, an artificial intelligence-driven financial analytics service, between 2016 to 2023.
From 2014-2017, Doug was a Visiting Researcher Scholar with the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at
University of California, Berkeley, where he was with the
Swarm Lab and Berkeley Wireless Research Center.
Prior to that (2006-2014), he was a Technical Leader at Cisco Systems' Wireless Networking Business Unit and his work included
R&D on Wi-Fi products and their standardizations. Later at Cisco, Doug was with Cisco
Advanced Architecture and Research and investigated emerging paradigms
like fog computing, data analytics, and Internet of Things.
Before Cornell (1998-2000), he was a Software
Engineer with the IBM Toronto Lab, where he developed enterprise-scaled
applications for database access and distributed computing.
Doug is a Senior Member of IEEE and a licensed professional engineer (P.Eng.) of Ontario,
Canada. He has received recognitions from the IEEE Standards Association on his contributions to the 802.11n and 802.11y wireless LAN standards.
Research Areas
- Multiple access in communication networks
- Multiaccess theory and multiuser information theory
- Radio resource management for wireless systems
- Physical layer techniques for wireless channels
- MIMO-OFDM-based physical layers
- Single-user and multi-user MIMO beamforming
- Industry standards for WPANs, WLANs and WMANs
- IEEE 802 and mobile cellular standards
- Digital Media Technologies
- Generative AI for Media and Gaming
- Computer Graphics
- Data analytics and machine learning
- Explainable machine learning
- Financial markets modeling
- Applications of network coding and rateless codes
Publications (Select list)
Journals and Conferences:
- Ben Zhang, Nitesh Mor, John Kolb, Douglas S. Chan, Nikhil Goyal, Ken Lutz, Eric Allman, John Wawrzynek, Edward Lee and John Kubiatowicz, "The Cloud is Not Enough: Saving IoT from the Cloud," Proc. of 7th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud '15) , Jul 2015.
- Xiaoqing Zhu, Douglas S. Chan, Hao Hu, Mythili S. Prabhu, Elango Ganesan and Flavio Bonomi, "Improving Video Performance with Edge Servers in the Fog Computing Architectures," Intel Technology Journal, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 202-204, Apr 2015.
- Douglas S. Chan, Toby Berger and Lang Tong, "Carrier Sense Multiple Access Communications on Multipacket Reception Channels: Theory and Applications to IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 266-278, Jan 2013.
- Xiantao Sun, Qi Wang, Lenoard J. Cimini, Larry J. Greenstein and Douglas S. Chan, "ICI/ISI-Aware Beamforming for MIMO-OFDM Wireless Systems," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 378-385, Jan 2012.
- Douglas S. Chan and Toby Berger, "Upper Bound for the Capacity of Multiple Access Protocols on Multipacket Reception Channels," Proc. of 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2012), Jul 2012.
[Complete list of journal, conference and other publications]
Industry Standards:
Trade Press:
Patents (Select list)
Research Grant Awarded
- "User Interaction Aware Content Generation and Distribution for Next Generation Social Television" (ACTION-TV), European Union FP7-ICT STREP ICT Call 10 grant, €2.7 million, 2014-2017.
- For Cisco Systems, co-principal investigators
University of Surrey, Disney Research Zurich, Turk
Fraunhofer Institute, Human-Factors-Consult, and
Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen.
Professional Society Services
- Technical Program Committee Member, 19th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2013),
- Secretary (elected position), IEEE Signal Processing Society, Santa Clara Valley Chapter, California, USA, May 2007-Dec 2009.
Invited Seminars (Recent list)
Website Design
Online since 03/15/2000. Last updated on 01/28/2025.